Light a Candle

4.4 ( 6724 ratings )
Sociala nätverk Livsstil
Utvecklare: Joao Oliveira

Candles are a traditional part of Christian, Buddhist and Jewish rituals. Now you can light a candle for a passed away loving one, to surpass a hard time, to pray for world peace, or just to improve your spiritual mind!

After meditate and pray you can light a virtual candle that can be saw all over around the world. You can light a candle every 5 minutes. You can also send HUGS to someone that lighten a candle for a loved one.

All candles are anonymous (and virtual). When you light a candle you can see it on the map. All candles will shine around 3 days. On the map people will only see which candles are lighten and for whom they were lighten.

You have total privacy and we do not track you. After 3 days all candles and its info expire and are deleted!